Transforming Classroom training Into eLearning

As more and more companies migrate towards online learning, there is a temptation to simply digitize the training materials and put them into an elearning module. In classroom settings there are usually Power Point presentations and hard copy training manuals. Although they may work well in the traditional classroom, they won’t translate well into an elearning module unless you “transform” the content, rather than just “transfer” the content.

For example, when a facilitator is running an in-class session, they will most likely have a Power Point slideshow. They can stop and discuss each slide more deeply, and answer questions as well as encourage discussion within the class. In the elearning environment, these slides become a boring slideshow that learners will simply click through as quickly as possible.
A qualified Instructional Designer will be able to “transform” the content to make it interactive and engaging in an elearning environment. The content should be organized specifically for elearning purposes and broken into sections that will make sense to the flow of the module. eLearning works very well when broken into small chunks so keep this in mind when converting your content as well.
Another key aspect is to design some new activities that will keep the learner engaged, and think more than just, multiple choice questions. Rather than just quizzing learners at the end of the course, incorporate activities throughout the module so they can really explore the content. You should keep in mind that some people work well in a self-paced environment and take that into account when designing the content as well.
Transforming Classroom training Into eLearning

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